Now, after 10 months of working with Dr. Cooke, I am pleased, and eager to share the impact that my treatments have had.

I searched for 5 years to find a doctor who could help me with my hormone imbalances that resulted in no energy, brain fog, depression, the half-empty syndrome as well as sexual disfunction and confrontational negativity.  Whew!  That's a long list!  

Dr Cooke was able to pinpoint in one session my deficiencies and prescribe the right therapy for me.  This is what happened.

I went from the negative, half asleep, depressed person to the happiest I can ever recall being, truly.  I have energy that I thought was gone for good, and a sex life that was non existent came back much to my husbands and my pleasure!  We have been married for 40 years.  I can't believe he hung in there for so long!  Yes, you can have a wonderful, loving full sexual relationship after menopause, that I used to call "men on pause"!

Thank you, Dr Cooke, for working with me.  I am a humbly grateful believer in and example of your therapy and gift of what re-balanced hormones can mean in a woman's later life.  I want to "turn on" all of my friends who still suffer and put up with the darkness in which I used to wallow.


Danielle Levy