I have been unable to lose weight. I was told that my thyroid is under-active and was given Levothyroxine as a fix which did nothing for me other than cause weight gain. I have had intense IBS issues since high school. I was negative, introverted and unhappy to say the least. I suffered from hot flashes and lack of sleep. I was spending a lot of money on supplements, however, I did not really know which supplements were right for me nor the amount to take. I also was unsure about which supplements you can take at the same time as others.
When you told me that there is no way my system is currently capable of turning bread, pasta, sugar, rice, corn and potatoes into anything other than fat it suddenly made all the sense in the world. I was in tears in your office because I have been trying so hard to lose weight on my own but it was not working. This was the first light at the end of the long, depressing tunnel. My IBS issues went away right away which was such a wonderful improvement. I feel so much better and I am a happy person again. I find myself smiling at people rather than looking away. The bio-identical thyroid hormone and the sermorelin give me so much more energy than I had before. I feel younger and I walk faster. I accomplish more at work and still have energy left after work. I am still slightly sluggish in the late afternoons if I sit for extended periods. I have lost 17 pounds and have changed my eating habits. I am not introverted any more and enjoy talking to people now. I am enjoying people and friends more than I did before.
IBS issues went away, weight loss, hot flashes ceased, more energy and happiness inside
Dr. Cooke's approach of fixing you from the inside out is brilliant and the only way to really fix your issues. Synthetic medication has so many side effects and only masks the real issues. Restoring your body to the way it is supposed to be is priceless.
Thank you for your help Dr. Cooke! I truly appreciate your care and compassion for your work. Thank you also for giving my friend a light at the end of the tunnel when all other doctors told her they could not help her.